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UrbanArt Biennale in Völklinger Hütte

For this 30 meters long installation, I've recreated scale 1 a wagon where I showcase all the windows and the doors that I painted on a train.

All the windows are backlighted to recreate this unique ambiance like a cathedral with contemporary vandal stained glass.

With this documentary, you will follow me through all the steps that allowed me to create this unique artwork, from the train yard to this incredible site that is part of the UNESCO World Heritage.

Marc Lavoine - Le train (Official Music Video)

Chanson « Le train » : Marc Lavoine / Johan Czerneski

Réalisateurs clip : Jérémie Lippmann et Sidney Caron

Avec la participation de Virginie Ledoyen

Production clip : ML44

Producteur exécutif clip : L’endroit Production

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